Monday, November 26, 2007

I’m Done!!!! if you are reading this, scroll down to day 25 to get the ending of the story

With the sun setting earlier in the horizon it becomes very hard to gauge the time. I know there have been many nights when i looked up at the clock to discover that it was 4:40 in the morning. Those mornings were good. It meant that i had busted ass and poured my heart onto the page.

Then there were the times that i looked up and it was 8:15 in the evening. I was already exhausted and had probably only written a few words. Those are the days that i loathed.

Regardless, i pushed on, even when i felt that there was nothing to talk about. Nothing interesting to say. Story line really made no sense. And here i am. I don’t know if any of those things were corrected, but in a few months when i sit down to read my book, with a fresh pair of eyes, hopefully i can correct any of my mental lapses.

So any of you who have been following my progress, i just want to say thanks. comment my blogs. Let me know if it was worth doing in the way i did. I would have written the book, but believing that people were expecting, or demanding, and update every night ensured that i would sit down, even if it was only for 5 minutes, and write.

So thanks. I’m gonna go recover for a while before i start my next venture.

Until then,

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