More fires, bombs, and of course, driverless carriages. The problems every has during a civil uprising. The government, from the city level up, has been thrown into disarray. Murder, theft, abuse, neglect, and littering are all on the rise. The law enforcement can’t keep up with the number of calls so they figured they wouldn’t even bother anymore. Hospitals are closing their doors just to have them kicked right back open. Rioters are on the streets and it doesn’t look like they are going home any time soon.
Congress is the newest target. Not just some of it, but all of it. He knows it as well as anybody and it is his job to make this dream a reality.
He makes his way through the security checkpoint with no more than a sigh. Perfectly calm like he’s supposed to be here. If there had been trouble, it wouldn’t have lasted long. Both guards would have been dead in under 10 seconds, weapons or not. There would be no games. He has an objective and it will be met.
In the bathroom, behind some false tiles, there are blasting caps which are remotely detonated, some C4, numerous bits of glass and metal, some ball bearings, and a permanent marker. All of the components, with the exception of the marker, are to be combined into multiple batches. C4 is powerful on it’s own, but with designed shrapnel the mortality rate should be even higher. The marker is for marking the territory. He could write funny jokes on the wall, or take responsibility. The same job will be accomplished either way. This just gives him something to do while he is waiting to setup.
After drawing a few political cartoons, mixing the death batter, and slipping into a pompous looking business suit, he steps out of the bathroom discreetly. He wants to draw as little attention as possible, and since they are cycling through politicians, especially congress men, and women, he should be looked at even less than a janitor. Don’t mind him, he’s just another fat cat politician. Out on his way to extort the public. That is what he wants all of them to think while they are on recess.
Into the House of Representatives he goes. Under the speakers podium. A few more toward the middle, and a few out toward the wings. This room is fully prepared for the carnage. Everything is armed, and ready. Now for a trip to Senate. Second verse, same as the first.
Everything is in place for the major players. Time to leave. There needs to be a margin of safety if this is to work properly. Back through security he goes. Not even so much as a glance in his direction. Things are going great.
The explosion shakes the city with a brutal slap. A massive selection of high explosives detonating at once will do that on occasion. People, who happen to be engulfed in flames, are running from the building and toward downtown D.C. The flames were a special touch, and actually quite difficult to figure out at first. The real trick was separating the fire sprinkler system and hooking it up to a pressurized gasoline source. The first explosion triggers the fire control system, which triggers all of the sprinklers. With burning debris the gas ignites and suddenly we have a lake of fire with roaming people all over it. The ones who lived through the blast stood very little chance of living. Stop, drop, and roll does very little good when the whole floor is alight.
Hitman: 2,547. Congress: 0. The project is almost complete. There are very few people with power remaining. Most received theirs from the now defunct federal government. Anarchy time is here. What a great time to be alive.
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